Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A little of this, a little of that...

I was gone for the holiday weekend and majorly slacked at getting my butt back into blogging but I'm back on track! I had a nice night, I was able squeeze in a little exercise and settle in with some reality tv and spend some quality time with my hubby and step-son. I started thinking about all the little things I've done around the house and actually felt good tonight when Reid (my stepson) complimented the living room he said, "it's really come together in here and it looks designer-ish in here and I know you guys didn't spend a lot of money." It felt good to hear him say that because he knows what a deal freak I am, I've even dragged him with me to pick things up from craigslist. The truth is I'd say 85% of my living room is from Craig's, rummage sales, or estate sales. I decided to showcase a little picture combo I have hanging on my living room wall that I really just love. It's actually an old and truly kick butt picture of my grandpa wearing a fedora and a leather jacket looking 50's cool. I loved the picture so much I wanted to feature it somehow in my house. I decided to frame it in a dark beat up frame...and I picked up the outside frame at a resale shop for literally like $1.00 or something. I played around with the placement for awhile and literally just decided to hang the smaller picture inside the large old beat up frame. I thought it turned out quite nice; it's not the best photo but you get the idea. I love blending old with new and I think the pairing gives even more character to a picture I love dearly.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Spring is on the way...

I'm thrilled to see my tulips peeking out to say hello...FINALLY!! I'm also happy that the crazy squirrels in my neighborhood managed to leave most of my bulbs alone. It's so nice to see signs of life poking up through the ground. I can officially say I'm ready for spring and summer it was a long cold winter here in Madison. The not so great trade-off is the start of my Spring allergies; enough with the headaches and congestion already! I have yet to start any of my Spring yard work and boy do I have a lot to do. Most of the landscaping outside my house requires some maintenance and I think after 4 years in this house I'm finally figuring out how this green-thumb business works. As a first time home buyer a few years ago I didn't realize all pruning and clipping that goes into having a house, but it's nice to get outside and welcome the new season even if it does require some grunt work. Bring on the sunshine; I'll show some more pics when they pop I can't wait!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Housewives, Hills and Beyond

Aside from loving all things decorating I also love to indulge in oooh let's just say a few TV shows. I'm definitely a bit of a TV bug and always have been. I can honestly say that a dvr saved my life as strange and pathetic as that sounds. My life used to revolve around rushing to get home at a certain time or not accepting phone calls during the hours of my favorite shows...it was torture. I love that I can now relax...know that things are recording for me to enjoy at my leisure after accomplishing all my tasks for the day. I don't know if there are any housewives fans out there but can I just say what the hell Jill's apartment looks CRAZY!! Let's talk decorating for a second here...that place is out of control. Now I'm definitely a girl with a love for accessories but there is definitely such a thing as overboard...come on! That was insane...I love Bethenny she tells it like it is. The POP tables....are CRAP; please get rid of those. Completely insane...can I say I think there is such a thing as over decorating. The wall of mirrors and the display cases at the entryway seemed way too chaotic. Man I love this show...the tennis match was a hoot are you kidding so much drama I loved it. Ramona, Jill, Bethenny, Alex, LuAnn and Simon thank you for throughly entertaining me tonight!
Check out the ladies blogs on Bravo...hilarious

I'm also not afraid to admit that I love The Hills...yippee for the premiere last night. Not one, but two episodes back to back. I'm seriously over flesh colored beard Spencer and Heidi please break up already I can't take another trip back to Colorado to cool off and think about things. As mindless as this show may seem somehow it keeps sucking me in and I'm really ok with it.
Update: The New Jersey girls look crazy delicious....can't wait to see what the table flipping over is all about wow

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Bathroom Before and After

Thus begins the first of many before and afters I've taken around our house. The bathroom was a colossal ugly nightmare when we first bought our house. I was very happy to discover when going through photos that I managed to videotape a mini tour of the bathroom before we did any work on it. There is still a lot of work to be done because the shower is hiding a window; the previous owners completely covered and sealed it off....who does that? Hopefully we can attack that project in the next year or so depending on our budget. Rob and I did everything ourselves including ripping out the old toilet and sink and installing the new ones, installing new drywall and who can forget the fun of removing wallpaper. I am also known as a crazy paint lady...I've painted each room in my house at least twice in 4 years; the bathroom is on paint job number 2 and at this point and I think I can say I'm happy with it. Without further ado...my old ugly bathroom (agh...don't you hate the sound of your own voice I sound annoyed by everything in that room...awkward)

We removed our ugly pinkish toilet and put in a fresh new full size white one.

No more fugly weird pink texturized wallpaper on this wall!

Ditched the weird oak cabinet...

Keeping the old flooring for now...it's in good shape and honestly I kind of like it!

New sink, hardware, light fixture and mirror. We went with a square pedestal...I just love the look. I miss the undercabinet storage but I went for fashion over function...

Just another obsessive sink shot....

I love before and after pics....it's seriously one of my favorite things to peek at if anybody has any good ones I'd love to see them.

Classic Sunburst

This is an old favorite of mine, I found this cute little sunburst at an antique shop about 4 years ago for the low price of $13.00. I almost missed it hanging on the wall because there were so many knickknacks cluttering up the shop. Sometimes when I go antiquing I have this feeling that I have to find something and feel disappointed when I don't. I think it's generally a good thing to do one final sweep when shopping in cluttered spaces because many times you can miss out on something really special because there is simply soooo much to look at. I loved it right away when I spotted it...it's not in the best condition the mirror is kind of aged in a few places but you can never go wrong with a classic sunburst in your space.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I was perusing craigslist yesterday and found a sweet little chair that seemed to have loads of potential. I've been on the hunt for a cute little accent chair for my living room but have yet to find something quite right for my space. I'm always up for a challenge and at $10.00 I'd say it was worth the inquiry. It was probably one of my most unusual craigs experiences as it was a teenage boy selling the chair(he disclosed he was in high school on the phone it was funny)...I was his first contact about the chair so we quickly made arrangements for me to snap it up. The day I was supposed to pick it up he sent me a text message to see if I would be willing to pay more for it. What happened is he received multiple inquiries on the chair and people were offering to pay more that what he posted it for; he didn't realize what a little jem he had on his hands. Well at first I was kind of mad about it and thought what the heck this kid is yanking me around; he said 10 bucks I'm not going to text him back and barter. I called him and was like look what kind of offers have you had on this chair..he said that no one had really thrown out a number he thought he could give it a week and see what kind of offers roll in...seriously. This is something I do not have the patience for so long story short I said I haven't even seen the condition of the chair, I'm driving all the way to get it the most I'll give you is $20.00 and take if off your hands. In the end I parted with the chair and paid this kid $15.00. All in all really $20.00 is not a lot of money for this chair it was simply the principle behind it....he set a price I was willing to pay it....it then became "chair blackmail". In the end I'm super happy because this chair is cuuuuute. Check it out....I have some ideas for it I may paint it but it definitely needs some new fabric on the cushion as its seen better days.

You can see that the cushion is pretty worn but this chair has great bones and detail.

I'd like to find a fun bold print for the cushion but need some ideas...

To paint or not to paint? If I paint should I go with black, white or a fun bold color or leave it the way it is and just do a really great print on the cushion?

So many options...if anyone has any good ideas I'd love to hear them!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

New Hutch

I'm excited to share the cool new hutch I found at a local estate sale shop. I know that I've expressed my love for hutches and buffets before but I just love how retro hutches are great for additional storage, double as entertainment centers and oh yeah they work in dining rooms too. I had been hunting for a new one for some time now and kept missing out on finds on craigslist. I saw this and knew it was just what I was looking for. I have so little storage in my house so I loved that it had three doors of storage...plus the square hardware is probably my favorite thing about it. I have a tendency to be attracted to a mix of mid-century modern and traditional things...it's an interesting blend. This piece is solid wood, has a nice glass top and is in really great condition. These pictures were all taken with my cell phone so they are not the best.

I've decided to put it in my living room as an entertainment center and I moved my old refinished one into my basement. I love the storage it's great all my photo albums fit nicely in the shelves on the left; I can literally fit a ton of stuff in this thing!

The drawers are perfect for dvd's, remotes and all the other things I want to hide.

I'm thinking at some point in the future I might consider painting it...but for now I'm going to hold off. I want to give a lot of thought to the color and figure out what works best with my space. It's really in great shape as is and the wood is a complimentary color with my existing decor so for now it works!